APRIL Logo with the words, "The United Voice  of Independent Living in Rural America."

CIL-NET Presents...an IL Conversation via Teleconference
Becoming 'The Duct Tape of Disability' in Your Service Area:
The Economic Benefit of a Micro-Business and
Improvisational Approach to Your CIL

June 4, 2015



 Presented by: Jim Whalen, Executive Director of Blue Water Center for Independent Living and Jim Moore, Executive Director of Disability Network Northern Michigan




You will:
• Learn from one CIL's experience the benefits of using the acting skills of Improv for growing your staff skills and improving the business side of your Center.
• Learn about potential Micro-Business options to diversify your CIL's funding.
• Share how your CIL has incorporated fee-for-service and other Micro-Business models.

Join the conversation via our teleconference line 281.404.1544 using PIN 9558554. To access the CART and print materials on June 4th, and the audio recording and transcript following the teleconference, log on to http://www.april-rural.org. Please evaluate this teleconference using the form on the APRIL website or at http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/1962518/IL-Conversation-Evaluation .

There is NO Registration Fee for this Teleconference. This is not a toll free call and your regular long distance charges will apply.

This IL Conversation is presented by the CIL-NET, a national training and technical assistance program of Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU), and was organized and facilitated by APRIL.

"Support for this presentation was provided by the U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration under grant #H132B120001. No official endorsement of the Department of Education should be inferred."

IL Conversations originated with the University of Arkansas, CURRENTS.

Meet Your Presenters:
Jim Whalen is the Executive Director Blue Water Center for Independent Living. For three decades Jim has promoted the value of teaching and learning to fuel "purpose-driven" creativity. Jim has introduced new and creative ideas through over 20 statewide, regional, and national workshops and training experiences. He holds academic degrees in communications, counseling, personnel services, college student development, and higher education combined with real-world experiences in small business ownership, state agency, university, and CIL settings and has provided a wealth of perspectives that now allow insights into how to develop coordinated program efforts rather than being open to the risk of institutionalizing services that are not market relevant for enough of a time period to justify their development and existence.

Jim Moore is the Executive Director of Disability Network Northern Michigan. Jim has served as the Executive Director of Disability Network Northern Michigan since July 2003. Prior to his current position, Jim was the Interim CEO of the American Lung Association and Director of Governmental Affairs and Programs. He has worked in nonprofit leadership for over 25 years. Jim is passionate about social justice, and the idea that the human experience should be full and rich for everyone.

For more information contact:
Mary Olson
APRIL Director of Training and Technical Assistance
APRIL and the IL-NET
52 Corbin Hall
University of Montana
Missoula, MT 59801
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